Any time customers make a purchase with a payment card, they’re trusting you to protect their financial data. Every year, you’re required to verify that your business is meeting the security standard set by the top credit card companies, called the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
An important part of verifying your compliance is taking a self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ). When the due date for verification is coming up or has passed, you’ll be notified through emails as well as notifications or tasks in your dashboard.
To start the questionnaire, go to the Clover Security website. You can access the Clover Security portal in three ways:
Notifications or setup tasks on your dashboard
Emails from Clover Security
Go directly to
Depending on how your account is set up, you may also have a PCI compliance page in your account settings with a link to Clover Security.
If you are coming from the dashboard, you’ll be signed in automatically whether or not you have an account yet. If you go straight to the website or use the links in the emails and haven’t registered with Clover Security before, follow the instructions to create an account.
Complete the questionnaire by answering questions about steps you are taking to protect customer data. Based on your answers, there may be additional questions to answer, and you may be subject to a quarterly network scan to assess the security of your system.
Being PCI compliant protects your business and customers from fraud and security breaches. If you aren’t compliant and financial data is compromised, you may lose customer trust, incur legal fees, and be penalized by banks and credit card companies.
You may also incur extra monthly fees from Clover if you don’t verify your compliance, because there is a higher risk of a security issue. These may appear as “non-receipt of PCI validation” on your processing fee statements.
Stay up to date by responding to emails and dashboard notifications about upcoming compliance due dates.